Expert Tips for Parents of Teen Drivers
Expert Tips for Parents of Teen Drivers
There are many websites that offer resources for parents of teen drivers. Here are a four of our favorites…for more tips on keeping your teen driving safety, visit the website links provided.
Texting Test: Could it wait?
Ask your teen to take this test: Take out your wireless device. Read the last text message you received out loud. Would reading or responding to that message from behind the wheel of a moving vehicle be worth the risk of getting into an accident or worse? Chances are it could wait.
From AT&T
Distractions are Dangerous
If your teenager is like most, he or she likes to bring lots of friends along for the ride. That divides their attention and increases the chances of a fatal collision. In fact, the larger the group in a car, the greater the risk for being involved in a fatal crash. If your teenager is driving with a friend in the car, he or she is 1 1/2 times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash than if driving alone. Add a second passenger and the risk increases again. By the time there are three passengers in the car, they are 3 times more likely to be involved in a traffic fatality.
From AAA Exchange Parent Page (This site offers additional resources, like a contract for teen drivers. )
Wait as long as you can before allowing your teen to get a full license and drive independently. The accident rate for 16-year-olds is considerably higher than that even for 17-year-olds. That's why some countries have moved the driving age up to 18.
From Mobile
Set Limits
Consider limiting or supervising your teen's driving privileges during accident high-risk times (such as Friday and Saturday nights) and set driving-area limits. If your teen wants to travel outside your town or city, require that he or she request your special permission.
From Allstate
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